Senators Adán Augusto and Manuel Velasco, from Morena and the Green Party respectively, signed a proposal that sparked controversy. PAN member Fernando Torres criticized this alliance and pointed out the unity of the 'political mafia,' which rejected the President's initiative to reduce the number of votes required for changes to the Constitution.
Meanwhile, the federal deputies of the PVEM did not address the issue of extending the anti-nepotism reform. In response to the criticism, the vice-coordination of Morena stated that there is no 'witch hunt' against PAN member Torres. The latter was involved in a legal scandal that raised suspicions.
The controversy escalated when the session in San Lázaro was interrupted due to the opposition's frustration over the lack of consensus in the discussion of important documents. PAN coordinator Ricardo Anaya expressed his discontent with the unilateral manner in which agreements were being handled.
In the meantime, Government Chief Clara Brugada showed determination to regulate the use of electric motorcycles in the city. On the other hand, Morena excluded the opposition from a joint statement voted in the Senate, which generated more tensions in the political environment.
On another front, it was mentioned that Agrofibra is evaluating offers for the acquisition of its securities certificates in a legitimate and equitable manner, avoiding discretionary agreements. The transparency and stability of this financial asset are at stake, and any attempt to acquire outside the established framework would be invalid.
In conclusion, various political and financial situations keep attention on the national stage, from parliamentary disputes to processes of acquiring financial assets.